2020-12-07 7:53 PM
I've got a problem that i want to redraw the frame buffer before the screen lights up.so I clean the frame buffer after close screen (memset(framebuffer,0,sizeof(framebuffer))).When the screen is bright I notice that only part of the frame buffer has been drawn.Everything that isn't drawn is black.What interface can GFX be notified to draw a full frame buffer?And which sign indicates that the drawing is done?
Please help me to solve this problem.Thank you very much!!
Best Regards
2020-12-08 9:48 AM
In basic, you dont modify framebuffer, when touchGFX is started in rtos and run. How you mean close screen?
Only regular is switch one screen to other, and when other is empty you have blank screen and dont need memset ...
2020-12-08 9:52 PM
Power off the screen
2020-12-09 12:30 AM
I dont understand , but when you need this, then before off power - switch screen over normal touchGFX process to one blank screen2
on wakeup init display ... no backlight ... call switchscreen back to screen1 ... turn on backlight or all display with driver command ON.
When you need have only one screen, for refresh all try call invalide screen or all elements