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I got the STM32H7B3 Discovery Kit for the graphics seminar but I cannot get the STLink to work.

The board powers up, the display comes on. The LED by the STLink connection is a solid red. STM32CubeProgrammer (v2.5.0) will not recognize the sTLink.  The computer is recognizing the connection as an STLInk-V3. I really do not know how to proceed from here. Thanks.


Really not sure what is going on here. If the system recognizes the ST-LINK, it's not a cable issue, unless it isn't rated for USB 2.0 480 Mbps rates.

Most current release of Cube Programmer is v2.6.0 (just click thru, don't select a version)

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In the seminar they said only use Programmer version 2.5.0 as there had been reports of problems with newer versions. My standalone STLinks/V3s work just fine with programmer and IDE on my computer. Thanks.