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Hi there, does anyone know whether stm32F303re has FSMS? If yes, how could I enable it so that I would be able to interface a TFT LCD LGDP display?

Associate II

I currently have a TFT LGDP display and I can't figure out how to hook it up with my stmf303 re.


An 8080/6800 type bus should be within grasp, most of the requirements tend to be setup/hold times with respect to edges of latching signals.

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I guess you're right. The essential timings don't have maximums. It just would be a lot slower than with F(S)MC, but way faster than with SPI. Too bad bit banging doesn't work with DMA - like ChromArt...

Done some interesting things here with pattern buffers, GPIO, TIM and DMA.

Anyway the question has been very poorly framed/scoped. Assuming some NUCLEO-F303RE, and some random display board. When playing "Will It Blend" we might do better with a lot more precision.

Historically people have interfaced 16x2 LCD displays via GPIO and bit banged. I've got some nice OLEDs I'm driving through I2C (SSD 1306/1309).

SPI is also an option, but ST's implementation is frankly less than ideal.

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Associate II

The problem is that I'm trying to launch a tft lcd for the first time and I'm not sure datasheet will provide me enough hints as it is designed in a roundabout way(at least it seems like that to me). Did anybody make a similar project?

Senior III

I wrote some code for a QVGA-display using 8080-interface (RGB565). I used FMC NAND of F427, because otherwise I couldn't get the data hold time long enough.