2014-04-03 5:41 AM
Help is needed for Alpha channel input (CM_A4 an CM_A8) in combination with the HAL_DMA2D_BlendingStart(...) of the CubeMX HAL. It seems like FGCOLR is not set neither with the call nor with Dma2dHandle.LayerCfg. Furthermore the entire blending process is not clear to me. How to select / unselect the foreground layer, background layer and background color. What is needed for a simple CM_A4 + Color -> RGB transformation. A code snippet or similar would be great. Thanks in advance. #chrom-art-stm32cubemx-dma2d #hal #stm32cubef4 #dma2d2014-04-04 12:50 AM
Hello Christian,
Are you using MX to generate the initialization code? If yes, can you provide the IOC. Have you also checked in the firmware package the DMA 2D code example? It can be found under: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.1.0\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Examples\DMA2D\DMA2D_MemToMemWithBlending.2014-04-04 2:27 AM
I'm using the example you mentioned as well as the other one with PFC copy. Neither produces the proper output with CLUT or A8/A4 input. The only help I found is this forum entry but it is for a CooCox Project and not based on the HAL_drivers of the CubeMX. with kind regards, Christian2014-06-06 7:42 AM
We have already the limitation, with CM_A4/CM_A8 color mode, in the STM32Cube HAL bugs list (DMA2D driver), and it will be fixed in next releases of F4 (early July) , Thanks for the report.With regards.