2023-02-02 12:32 AM
Frequently entering and exiting a screen with Graph in it, touchgfx will end up frozen on image2's screen and not fully loaded into image1's state.
Program run process:
xxxScreenViewbase::xxxScreenViewbase ---> xxxScreenView::xxxScreenView ---> xxxScreenPresenter::activate -x-> handleTickEvent --> Load Data to Graph
After the program runs to xxxScreenPresenter::ctivate no longer have any action.
Chip : STM32F29BI
DataPoint Number : 420.
FrontendHeap::getInstance()::instance Address : 0x2002a334
FrontendHeap::getInstance()::instance Size : 20724 Byte
FreeRTOS : osThreadDef(touchgfxTask, Task_touchGFX, osPriorityNormal, 0, 0x4000);
2023-02-02 12:47 AM
How often do you reopen graph screen?
2023-02-02 12:56 AM
about one second.
2023-02-02 12:57 AM
about one second.
Bugs appeared 30 times out of 1200 tests.
There was a BUG that would trigger when the screen was opened on startup.
2023-02-03 4:58 AM
Hello One People,
Are your values for your graph generated randomly?
Also which version of TouchGFX and which compiler are you using? Have you tried to activate speed optimization?
2023-02-05 6:11 PM
Touchgfx updates the screen with chunking. When rect.y is 347 and 348, it is easy to trigger the screen freeze BUG.