2019-07-17 8:04 AM
In my Aplication I have a big text database (nearly 1000 Text_Id) and nearly 25 languages.
Sometimes I need a specific Text_Id with left Alignment and sometimes with right Alignment. Sometimes with font size 20 (big) sometimes with font size 15 (small).
As I don't want to define each text fourtimes (left Alignment big, left Alignment small, right Alignment big, left Alignment small) I use Wildcards.
And then with the function getText()
I get the text for T_HALLO
and put it in the textArea with the funktion
void setWildcard(const Unicode::UnicodeChar* value)
Unfortunately all my text in Text Resources are used directly "0". And unfortunately the font converter has not generated the Glyphs for exotic Characters like "ü" or "ț"
I dont want define each exotic Character in "Typographies" because there are so many characters. Is there any other clever solution? Is there any possibility that TouchGFX takes themselves all text from Resources and convert it although the direct uses is "0"?
2019-07-18 11:49 PM
Hi @MHase,
In the TouchGFX Designer, you can specify a range of characters which the font converter should include(Widcard Ranges), event though they do not appear in any static texts.
These ranges can be specified as hex values. You need to know the value (Unicode) of the first character and the last Unicode of the character range.
2019-07-24 12:54 AM
Thank you very much for fast answer.
Now I have one more question to the texts:
Is it possible in the designer to search a specific text in Resources-tab? Or have I go always the long way over the Excel-file "texts.xlsx"?
2019-07-24 2:07 AM
unfortunately there is no search function in the Designer's Resources tab - A good idea, i'll parse it along to the Designer Team
2019-07-29 12:29 AM
more questions to topic "font converter"
In my Application I got following warnings. Have you any explanations or tipps for me to improve my Application?
Warning: Skipping font kerning information due to space constraint
WARNING - Char 0x21B is used but does not exist in the font!
WARNING - A total of 545 unicode characters did not exist in the font!
Thank you very much
2019-07-30 12:38 AM
This warning means that the application is requesting characters which are not present in the selected font.
This usually happens when requesting a large wildcard range
2019-07-30 1:09 AM
All 3 warnings?
Or only the second warning?
WARNING - Char 0x21B is used but does not exist in the font!
2019-07-30 1:17 AM
Warning: Skipping font kerning information due to space constraint
WARNING - Char 0x21B is used but does not exist in the font!
WARNING - A total of 545 unicode characters did not exist in the font!
2019-08-02 1:02 AM
Hello again,
One more question to your Answer:
There is a limitation on 250 inter-character kerning information for each font
Is there a possibility to make this limitation bigger?
If not, is there a possibility to decide which font kerning information is allowed to skipped and which font kerning information is not allowed to skipped?
2019-08-02 4:04 AM
Is there a possibility to make this limitation bigger?
In TouchGFX 4.12.0 it is significantly increased which is planned for release this fall.
If not, is there a possibility to decide which font kerning information is allowed to skipped and which font kerning information is not allowed to skipped?