2016-01-17 3:37 PM
I see there is an inbuiltFMC on the STM32F4x9 MCUs which can interface to various memory types including NAND, NOR , SDR SDRAM. My question is: Is it a good idea to use the NOR or a NAND Flash as a FRAME buffer for graphics applications? If yes, which one of the below is a recommended choice for frame buffer to interface with the FMC.1. NAND FLash2.NOR FLash3. SDR-SDRAM4. PSRAM5. 16-bit PC Cards #graphics2016-01-18 1:54 AM
Use FMC for SDRAM communication (FRAME buffer) and then LTDC for transferring to LCD. The same as F429-Discovery board has.
If you think about LCD as direct memory to STM, check FSMC (not available on F429 which is on Discovery board) but on new F29 versions.2016-01-18 8:18 AM
2016-01-18 11:04 AM
NAND is not byte addressable memory, it doesn't support the access patterns that you need.