2020-06-01 5:27 PM
Please add a "save as" option. This is useful for saving different iterations of a UI
2020-06-02 2:23 AM
We will try to look at this. Thank you for the feedback.
In the meantime, you can copy paste your UI pretty easily.
If you only have a GUI without the Application Template, so you can only run the simulator, copy-pasting the entire project and renaming the folder should work.
If you have an application template and you can run your project on Target, then copy-pasting the TouchGFX/ folder and renaming it at the destination should be enough.
2020-06-02 2:28 AM
@CDyer - Rather than doing something like this, it sounds like you want to have your application under version control so that you can jump between revisions of it. Your UI would undoubtedly be dependent on the rest of the code in your project, so just savint the Touchgfx project to a different file may get too confusing.
2023-02-22 12:55 AM
useful idea.
I use Version 5.21.1 but the designer App still doesn't have this feature.
2023-02-22 1:59 AM
Hello MTora.1,
Thank you, I'll suggest it to the team. However, as my colleague Martin KJELDSEN said, it should rather be a better idea to version control your project.