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Error while compiling with a new cubeIDE project(STM32F429I-DISCO)

Adel Benhamida
Associate II

I have generated a new CUBEIDE Project (STM32F429I-DISCO) with help of CUBEMX and i configured the LTDC with SPI5,CS,WR....etc, and i selected Touchgfx for designing the UI, i designed a simple UI, but when i try to compile the code i get 3 errors :

C:/Users/po4A/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.0.0/de/Debug/../Startup/startup_stm32f429zitx.s:113: undefined reference to `main'

C:/Users/po4A/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.0.0/de/Debug/../Src/stm32f4xx_it.c:205: undefined reference to `hltdc'

C:/Users/po4A/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.0.0/de/Debug/../Src/stm32f4xx_it.c:219: undefined reference to `hdma2d'

I DID NOT WRITE ANY CODE YET, i just wanted upload the UI to the board.


Thank you very much. I believe that the next version will become even better and better, let us look forward to it.

I'm sure it will be! It's a relationship between CubeIDE and CubeMX. I'm personally meeting up with the teams soon to have a joint session on getting all of these issues we've found together fixed - All of the community input has been really helpful in that respect.

Thanks for sharing, everyone!

Do you have any tips on how to make an existing C-project compile for C++ as well in CubeIDE?

I have a great codebase for an existing Cube-generated project that is pure C, but I want to add a bunch of C++ to it

without having to start the project (and just get it to build from scratch) all over again.

Any help would be appreciated! :)

Nevermind, found it! Projects can be converted from pure C to C/C++ by adding "C/C++ Nature" through "New" in the project's context menu.

Hi Jesper,

In other Eclipse based IDEs you can usually "retarget" the project to C++ which, i think, just includes adding the right compiler segments in the .cproject file so that it picks up cpp files and compiles them. You then have to add all the right source/include/linker settings.


Great. The thread was capped so i didn't see you already answered your own question :)