I've tried to build the three FUOTA projects. Each one fails with similar errors. "Missing files".
I have a fresh install of the CubeIDE, and I've tried this on two different computers.
For example, I built the Single Core FUOTA example for the Nucleo WL55, the files not found are:
- kms_config.h
- sfu_fwimg_regions.h
The Problems tab reports these two missing files and these warnings:
- Invalid project path: Include path not found (D:\workspace\LoRaWAN_FUOTA\1_Image_BFU\BFU\App).
- Invalid project path: Include path not found (D:\workspace\LoRaWAN_FUOTA\1_Image_SECoreBin\Inc).
- Invalid project path: Include path not found (D:\workspace\LoRaWAN_FUOTA\Linker_Common\STM32CubeIDE).
The other dual-core examples for the Nucleo and B-WL5M-SUBG1 give:
- cannot open linker script file mapping_fwimg.ld: No such file or directory
- fatal error: kms_config.h: No such file or directory
- fatal error: sfu_fwimg_regions.h: No such file or directory
And these warnings:
- Invalid project path: Include path not found (D:\workspace\2_Images_SBSFU\CM0PLUS\SBSFU\App).
- Invalid project path: Include path not found (D:\workspace\2_Images_SBSFU\Common).
- Invalid project path: Include path not found (D:\workspace\2_Images_SECoreBin\Inc).
- Invalid project path: Include path not found (D:\workspace\LoRaWAN_FUOTA_DualCore_ExtFlash\Linker_Common\STM32CubeIDE).
Could someone at ST take a look at the these examples?