2021-03-09 10:43 PM
I generated a Keil based TouchGFX project in stme2cubemx.The DynamicBitmapCreat function was called to create the first Bitmap without any problems, the ID and startAddress were all correct, but when I created the second Bitmap the program went straight into HardFault.I'm using TouchGFx16.0, and have used TouchGFx13.0 before, but have not resolved this issue.Any good suggestions?
2021-03-10 6:27 AM
Could you edit the Topic tags to add the TouchGFX topic ? This will increase the visibility of your post.
2021-03-10 6:38 AM
What kind of bill-of-goods did SalesForce sell you guys? Other forum software's have assignable / tiered moderation rights.
2021-03-10 6:40 AM
In Keil make sure you have an adequate Heap defined in startup.s, and that is placed in the largest available RAM arena.
Have code sanity check pointers, and malloc() for NULL pointer returns when it runs out of resources.
Make sure to free() resources when done with them.
2021-03-10 9:08 PM
Sorry, this is my first post, I'm not familiar with it.
2021-03-10 9:10 PM
It doesn't seem to be the stack or RAM issue.I just found a way to solve this problem.
But why this should be done is unclear.