2020-12-08 8:57 AM
I have installed the example software for the recording machine on the STM32L476VG Disco MCU. The recording sofware has uploaded to the microcontroller. The mic input and the headphone outputs work fine.
TheLCD screen will not operate. I have installed the lcd.h and .c files for the MCU but I am getting 45 errors. Theses errors are unclear to me and I would like to know if aditional files are required or infromation an a suitable workaround for the problem. Can anyone help with this please?
2020-12-08 12:02 PM
you should check , reference manual or the description of the library for the internalization to be done , like starting the clock, enabling of control bit of the LCD , etc.
can you attach the screenshot of the errors that are occurring ???
2020-12-08 1:00 PM
2020-12-08 1:03 PM
I have more snap shots but I didnt want to post too much. I have checked the manuals to see is drver file/s are missing but I cannt find anything. It looks like the LCD RAM registers are not accessible by the screen.A few HAL drivers are undeclared also.I have searched through the HAL driver manual and can't find a work around.
2020-12-08 2:27 PM
Try "greping" the files/directories you lifted the stuff from. The compiler's complaining it can't find components
Make sure that you've enabled the module at your project level configuration file
#include "stm32l4xx_hal_lcd.h"
This might have some cascading dependencies on other modules, and you'll need to check those or against other buildable projects using the same components you want to use. The use of diff/merge type tools can help identify nuanced differences.
>> I have installed the lcd.h and .c files for the MCU but I am getting 45 errors.
What do mean "installed", trick here is to add the .C files to the project, and point at the include files via the "Include Paths", and to ensure that the stm32xyz_hal_conf.h enables the inclusion
2020-12-10 9:47 AM
Thanks very much, the software cleared all its errors and upladed to the microcontroller.I cant get the LCD screen to enable on the microcontroller. The jumpers are in the right place. Do you know if there is a soldered link on the bottom the board that requires soldering to enable the LCD display? I have tried having a look in the manuals for the device and cant find any inforamtion. Thanks again for your help.
2020-12-10 10:18 AM
I think the BSP example exercises most of the functionality. Would try that, and then look at the schematic, the README didn't seem to indicate any dependencies on jumpers or solder bridges.