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Display and the sensor is not working simultaneously STM32F746G- Disco


I'm working with STM32F746G- Disco Board

The display and the sensor are not working simultaneously.
when the display packages are there, the data from the sensor is not coming. If the display packages are not there, the data from the sensor is readable.

I'm using the ultrasonic sensor, and the data is not getting when the display files are there.
if I'm checking the voltage of the output pin with a multimeter it is 0v when the display packages are there.

if I'm checking the voltage of the output pin with a multimeter it is 3.3 v when the display packages are not there.

Kindly clear me that whether both the display and sensor can be worked simultaneously?

ST Employee

Welcome @Stranger, to the community!

A little more information would be helpful to help you:

  • Which display packages do you mean?
  • Which ultrasonic sensor do you mean, as I am not aware of any on the STM32F746G-DISCOVERY?
  • Which output pin did you measure on?


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I'm creating the display UI in touchgfx designer and i'm taking the code which is created by the touchgfx file into the STM32cubeide in that im unable to read the data from ultasonic sensor HC-SR04 and trying to toggle the led also it is also not working. I have tried with all these pins PI1,PB15,PA8,PA15,PA11,PF6,PF7,PF8,PF10,PA0 but is not working.

If directly open the stm32cude ide and select the board STM32F746G_disco and configure the pins and generate the code means the data from the ultansonic sensor is working, LED is also working and other all pins are working.