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CubeMX 5.1.0 with TouchGFX never compiles in TrueStudio


I started the project in CubeMX 5.1.0 from STM32F746DISCO board and it compiles ok, but when I add TouchGFX graphics TrueStudio always returns error when build.

The errors are similar like "undefined reference to `MX_FREERTOS_Init()" or "undefined reference to `typeinfo for touchgfx::DMA_Interface". But for example the function "MX_FREERTOS_Init()" is properly declared.

I've starded in CubeMX from board, from MCU, tried in differents ways but in the end always the same result.

Anyone was able to build ok from CubeMX and TouchGFX in TrueStudio?


Not sure about FatFS, since it's not TouchGFX specific. It looks like you may be missing the FreeRTOS source code in your project, as well as the fatfs ones.

Finally I could compile!!!

Well the last problem in fact was really strange, because I found that the entire Middlewares' folder was set as "Exclude resource from build", but never before I set this, only for the simulator folder.

I don't know if CubeMX can modify this parameter... of course I needed to modify a lot the project created by CubeMX to reach success, but with this thing I waste a lot of time..

Thanks for support!



Clark Sann

How do you get around this error?


This occurs when Generate Code within CubeMX 5.1.0

Carl Farrington
Associate III

I am having similar problems.

Should there be a separate TouchGFX distribution which doesn't include the simulator stuff, for CubeMX use ?

I installed TouchGFX separately, first, and then CubeMX, but I'm having all these same problems.

and after removing the simulator and sdl stuff myself, I have different problems:


@Martin KJELDSEN​  disabling rtti did it for me, thanks!

That's great! :)