2020-02-27 7:09 PM
Based on STM32H743I EVAL2, cubeIDE1.3 always displays the following when compiling the Touchgfx4.13 code generated by CubeMX5.6:
compilation terminated.
make: *** [TouchGFX/touchgfx/os/subdir.mk:23: TouchGFX/touchgfx/os/OSWrappers_cmsis.o] Error 1
../TouchGFX/touchgfx/framework/source/touchgfx/widgets/canvas/AbstractPainter.cpp:16:10: fatal error: touchgfx/widgets/canvas/AbstractPainter.hpp: No such file or directory
#include <touchgfx/widgets/canvas/AbstractPainter.hpp>
compilation terminated.
make: *** [TouchGFX/touchgfx/framework/source/touchgfx/widgets/canvas/subdir.mk:132: TouchGFX/touchgfx/framework/source/touchgfx/widgets/canvas/AbstractPainter.o] Error 1
../TouchGFX/touchgfx/framework/source/touchgfx/widgets/canvas/AbstractPainterABGR2222.cpp:16:10: fatal error: touchgfx/widgets/canvas/AbstractPainterABGR2222.hpp: No such file or directory
#include <touchgfx/widgets/canvas/AbstractPainterABGR2222.hpp>
compilation terminated.
make: *** [TouchGFX/touchgfx/framework/source/touchgfx/widgets/canvas/subdir.mk:134: TouchGFX/touchgfx/framework/source/touchgfx/widgets/canvas/AbstractPainterABGR2222.o] Error 1
"make -j4 all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
10:29:07 Build Failed. 9 errors, 0 warnings. (took 48s.93ms)
2020-03-04 6:30 AM
Did you open the project in the TouchGFX designer and generate code?
2020-03-26 2:14 AM
Hi Martin.
Thank you.
That problem has been solved.Causes this condition when the code is not generated again in CubeMX after editing from TouchGFX.
2020-03-26 7:00 AM
Hi @Bli.1,
Not sure i completely understand the flow here. Glad it's solved, though.
What are you editing "from TouchGFX" that causes things to fail until you re-generate from CubeMX? I can't think of a scenario where something like this would happen - unless you forgot to generate code from TouchGFX in the first place.
2020-03-26 6:00 PM
HI Martin.
Yes, first edit and generate the code in TouchGFX, then go back to CubeMX and generate the code again.
2020-03-27 1:19 AM
And you're saying some things are getting overwritten? TouchGFX Designer will generate some files that are read only and will get overwritten again when you generate code
2020-03-28 5:31 AM
I'm sorry,What is the essence, I don't know, but that's the process
2020-03-30 3:34 AM
If this is something you can replicate, it would be nice if you could screen cast it to a video. I'm not sure we're on the same page. Then i could quickly let you know if you're doing something wrong, or if there's something else wrong.
I'm not really recognizing the scenario you're describing.
2020-04-08 5:37 AM
Hi, Martin.
I'm sorry that my English level is too poor. The dialogue between us is based on the translation software.Ask you some more questions about the touch-screen initialization of H743IEVAL2:
I. which pin is connected between MCU and mb1063.schdoc CN3_7pin(INT)? In the application of ToutchGFX: a, how should the CN3_7(INT) pin be initialized in EXIT?B. How should I2C be initialized?
2020-04-30 3:22 AM
I think you should consult the datasheet to find out how the display is connected, if you haven't found out yet.