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Critical bug: After update to 4.18.0 colors are incorrect on Hardware, but "Run Simulation" still works as expected

Associate III

Here an example from the hardware



but in Run Simulation:

0693W00000GXAyLQAX.pngWe are using


and the colors are wrong when we do not use 255,255,255 and 0,0,0. Only these two colors work

We use the following colors, and it is causing problems. In Run Simulation, everything works as expected

These are the color codes we use

 //red color

 RGBred = 193;

 RGBgreen = 39;

 RGBblue = 45;

 //blue color

 RGBred = 112;

 RGBgreen = 144;

 RGBblue = 183;

 //yellow color

 RGBred = 240;

 RGBgreen = 217;

 RGBblue = 92;

 //orange color

 RGBred = 232;

 RGBgreen = 166;

 blue = 71;

Please help!!!

We use icons with the exact same colors. They are fine! But only texts that touchgfx colors, are not correct. Again not all texts, just texts which are not 0,0,0 and not 255,255,255

Associate III

ScrollableContainer also doesn't work at all like with 4.17. Just quickly, I see the indentation of the added item to the ScrollableContainer loses its X. It's just simply at X=0.

I wonder what else is broken in my project now.:loudly_crying_face:

ST Employee


What MCU are you working with ? Could you try generating code from STM32CubeMX again ?


Associate III

It seems this is a "known issue". For anybody else seeing this "issue"


And too many incompatible changes to ScrollableContainer to even mention. Thanks a lot. Now I have to rewrite all the code which has ScrollableContainer. It's so weird to only show the scroll bars while you are touching the ScrollableContainer. That is so unintuitive. You only know if you can scroll, if you see the scroll bars.

The scrollableContainer was improved and some bugs were fixed as you can see in the Changelog. What problems are you facing ?


Associate III

a) We were able to fix our issue by updating to the latest STM32F7DMA.cpp file

b) As far as ScrollableContainer:

1) The padding seems to be completely ignored that we are using. I assume this is wit hthe fix mentioned as

  • "Fix incorrect use of relative coordinates in ScrollableContainer.

2) The scroll bars are not visible. Only after touching the container, then they are permanently visible.

Now I have to make fixes inside ScrollableContainer.cpp, to get the behavior we had previously.


Hello @VSimu.1​ , could you please explain how do you fixed your issue ? Did you only replaced the "STM32F7DMA.cpp" with the latest? If yes, can you please share this file?

Thanks, KR

See the DM

Associate III

See the DM

I really dont know why the changes worked or which didn't. It's kind of a black-box to me, because none of the code is commented and there is no reference that I know of that I could look up.

I can just look at what is working. And see what has happened in the next versions. And then by trial-and-error try to get something to work.