2021-06-11 2:04 AM
I am currently trying to play a video using the JPEG decoder on a STM32F76xx chip.
Right now, I can play a video with HAL_JPEG_Decode in polling mode, but the it takes too long (~100ms) and the FPS is low.
My objective, is to use HAL_JPEG_Decode_DMA to display an image.
I copied the code from example project JPEG_DecodingUsingFs_DMA into my own projet, but the program freeze on this line :
called from HAL_JPEG_Decode_DMA -> JPEG_DMA_StartProcess (in stm32f7xx_hal_jpeg.c)
This macro sets the IDMAEN and ODMAEN bits of the JPEG control register.
I tried to dig a little bit, and I found the freeze happens specifically when I try to set the IDMAEN bit.
hjpeg->Instance->CR |= JPEG_CR_ODMAEN; // works
hjpeg->Instance->CR |= JPEG_CR_IDMAEN; // freeze
Any ideas on why is it blocking ? Its very strange.
(I do define the JPEG_Msp_Init, and interrupts JPEG_IRQHandler, DMA2_Stream3_IRQHandler, DMA2_Stream4_IRQHandler like expected.)