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Can DMA2D do a repeat buffer copy/fill from image ?

Associate III


I have DMA2D (ChromArt) working fine for drawing images from memory to display buffer.

However, to save on image storage, I would like to create single pixel image "strips" which I can repeat a number of times in X or Y.

eg, for drawing a top border using a 1px wide by 20px high source image and outputting to the display buffer,say, 200 times across the screen.

I can't find any examples of this online.

Many thanks,


There no such feature in the hardware.

You can emulate it in software by performing the transfer of 1x20 strip 200 times; but probably it would be more efficient to draw 20 single-color 200x1 lines using the register-to-memory mode.

The transferring the 1x20 strip 200 times should be somewhat optimizable by halving and copying the already drawn piece.


Hi, thanks for letting me know for sure that it's not possible... Maybe something to be added to the hardware in the future... ?

I've already implemented horizontal copying using register to memory mode. Just working on a bug which is corrupting memory in the vertical version of the routine which must be related to offset(stride) setup being incorrect.

Thanks again!