2021-09-02 7:20 AM
Since upgrading to TouchGFX 4.17, a box with an Alpha value does not work anymore. It just paints like as an opaque box, but not like a (semi-)transparent box.
Thus I tried to create my own widget that draws a rectangle with the following code:
HAL::getInstance()->lcd().fillRect(invalidatedAreaAbsolute, color, alpha);
But when alpha > 0, the rectangle is NOT (semi-)transparent, but opaque.
How can I get the alpha working with TouchGFX 4.17?
KR, Klemens
2021-09-07 7:12 AM
Where does this go? Do I just dump these files on top of those in my project?
2021-09-07 11:58 PM
The "proper" way should be to just open the ioc file with STM32CubeMX but it is a known bug (for H7 mcus) on their side which I though was fixed with STM32CubeMX 6.3.0 unfortunately.
The project I shared is just yours but where I uprgraded the FW pack, you just need to run on target from Designer to see if it actually does fix it on your side as well. I shared it without seeing your answer.
2021-09-09 9:12 PM
Thank you for investigating! We are working on custom hardware. I was on vacation the last few days, so I could not answer.
Do you still want to see screenshots / photos of our project? MLook.1 already shared another project with the same issue yesterday...
KR, Klemens
PS: I already created a workaround with an Image widget instead of the Box widget. The Image widget contains an image with an alpha-colour and that does the trick for me.
PPS: Our display uses an RGB888 framebuffer. But we are using L8ARGB bitmaps that are drawn into the framebuffer on an STM32L4R9 using ChromART and not the generated STM32L4R9 Chromart class but the one based on the one supplied in https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000BdgJZkSQM/is-the-l8argb8888-image-format-supported-for-shapes-widget-if-not-will-it-be-in-the-future
PPPS: I just read the last posts down below (they were not visible when I opened this discussion the first time today -- don't ask me why).
We are using STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.17.0 in our project. And I think this is the latest version. STM32CubeIDE does NOT ask to update the project when I open the ioc file.
Maybe our problems are caused by the usage of our ChromART class instead of the generated one? (Ours causes less CPU usage when having many L8ARGB bitmaps on the screen with much scrolling going on compared to the generated class.)
2021-09-10 12:34 AM
Alpha works in my case when I start a project with the TBS for the STM32L4R9dk board using the STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.17.0 FW package which is the latest one available. MLook.1's issue was due to that FW package so your issue may be different.
The ChromART class you use is 2 years old so using the generated one could be something to investigate for sure. But the box widget does not use L8ARGB anyway, the image widget does however so it is good sign that it works in your project.
2021-09-28 5:47 PM
I met the same issue here, changed HAL to V1.9, and nothing change.
Have anyone solved this bug yet?
2021-09-29 12:23 AM
What do you mean by changing HAL to V1.9 ? Are you working on a custom board or from a TBS available in TouchGFX Designer ? Did you open the project in STM32CubeMX and regenerate code with the latest FW package ?
2021-09-29 2:16 AM
I changing to HAL to V1.9 manually used a custom board.
On STM32CubeMX, my project is too old to run CubeMX V6.3.0.
the version CubeMX of my project is V5.4.0.
2021-09-29 7:13 AM
Still not 100% sure what you are referring to with "HAL to V1.9". Do you mean the FW package ? What board/mcu are you working on ? How and what did you change manually (I mean which lines of code and by what) ?
STM32CubeMX 5.4 is quite old yes, what version of TouchGFX were you using before that ? Not sure if it will be possible to easily migrate to v6.3. Would starting the project with the latest tool and importing the UI be an option ?
2021-09-29 5:35 PM
yes, V1.9 mean FW package (change HAL driver to the newest version from the old one).
I'm using STM32H747 with a custom LCD.
2021-10-10 8:38 PM
Mitigate from 4.13 to 4.16.1, a box with alpha is working.
However, version 4.17 isn't.
I want to use the latest version of TouchGFX Design now, can you help me with the issue :(