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Bitmap metadata not getting deleted from BitmapDatabase.hpp/cpp

I am having an issue adding a bitmap into my project, its ID doesn't seem to get added into the bitmap database, but in debugging this I noticed that there is a bunch of info from a bunch of bitmaps that got deleted from the project long ago.

I go into images, hit +, point the file picker at my .png file, add it in, looks great, put in a screen, looks great. Generate code, compile the code, compiler can't resolve the symbol for the bitmap ID. Grr.

Maybe I just don't understand how these files work, but they do say that I should not edit them since they are generated by imageconverter. I expect that the database is borked, but if I delete it, and generate code, that makes a bigger mess. Apparently there is a trick that I don't know.

Okay, how do I fire up imageconverter so that my bitmap gets an ID and the old stuff gets deleted?



I just copied a 'random file' into assets/images and I get the same error. Maybe a rule to accept only specific file types is needed.


Run Simulator
    Generate Assets
        make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8
        Reading ./application.config
        Reading ./target.config
        ERROR: assets/images/ not supported by image converter
        generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile:221: recipe for target 'images' failed
        make[1]: *** [images] Error 1
        make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
        simulator/gcc/Makefile:45: recipe for target 'assets' failed
        make: *** [assets] Error 2





It looks like there is a bad assumption about file types here.

(Windows hasn't created my files yet... "I'm still waiting" -  Talking Heads, Crosseyed and Painless)


Hello @Andrei Chichak ,


TouchGFX only support PNG and SVG as images, so it makes sense if other formats are rejected.

Can you disable the creation of the Thumbs.db file by right clicking on the folder, advanced setting, select always show icon, never thumbnails.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

Hello @Andrei Chichak ,


Have you been able to move forward with your issue?
If you did, could you select the comment that helped you the most as "best answer".



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

Hello @GaetanGodart,

Yes, I got around the issue. The "best" answer would be for the Designer team to take a look at their scripts and only try and convert graphics files instead of any files in the directory. Remember, I did nothing to put the extra file in the directory, it's a normal Windows operation.

But for this instance of the issue, I will choose from the responses.

Merci and salut,



Hello @Andrei Chichak ,


I understand the issue and will talk with the team to see if we can fix it.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

Hello @Andrei Chichak ,


We have implemented the change.
It should be available now or in the next release coming soon.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)
ST Employee

Hello @Andrei Chichak and @ferro ,


TouchGFX 4.25.0 fixes this issue.
It is now possible to generate assets even if a Thumbs.db files is in the folder.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

Your people made an interesting decision in overcoming this issue. Rather than only processing files that the  asset generator  can deal with, they ignore "Thumbs.db" and use any other files as input. In this case, a file called "fu.txt" will still trigger the issue, as pointed out by @ferro .

I suppose the fix is verified, as "Thumbs.db" is created by the operating system and other files would be created by the users.

Hello @Andrei Chichak ,


Indeed we only check for the Thumbs.db file because it seems to be the only one that is generated by windows.

While we could have limited our verification to supported files only, we chose to provide feedback to the user in case they upload an unsupported file, such as a JPG file. This approach ensures that the user receives a message indicating that the format is not supported.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)