2020-12-10 3:40 AM
TouchGFX is configured in partial frame buffer (3x1920 bytes)
In the project I use FreeRTOS API CMSIS V2.
The assert in question occurs randomly:
assertion "state[nextSendingBlock] == DRAWN" failed:
file "../Middlewares/ST/touchgfx/framework/include/touchgfx/hal/FrameBufferAllocator.hpp",
line 241,
function: const touchgfx::Rect& touchgfx::ManyBlockAllocator<block_size, blocks, bytes_pr_pixel>::peekBlockForTransfer()
[with long unsigned int block_size = 1920; long unsigned int blocks = 3; long unsigned int bytes_pr_pixel = 2]
When the assert occurs, the state fields are all EMPTY.
2020-12-14 4:09 AM
Hi @Martin KJELDSEN ,
no support on this problem?
Best regards
2020-12-14 6:07 AM
Hey. Busy busy with 4.16.0 release.
Let me take a look at that. When does that happen? has the application been running for a while? I'll need some more information to help you.
2020-12-14 6:33 AM
Hi Martin,
thanks for the support and I am sorry to take your precious time for 4.16.0 release which, of course, I am anxious to use ;)
The project is based on FreeRTOS (CubeIDE) and there are other tasks, in particular one dedicated to the transmission of messages via CAN BUS.
The problem occurs 90% of the time at startup and at the end of the animation. Consider that the animation is the same as the online demo for the NUCLEO-G071RB where I changed the images.
While waiting for the support I created the following workaround in Middlewares/ST/touchgfx/framework/include/touchgfx/hal/FrameBufferAllocator.hpp:
virtual const Rect& peekBlockForTransfer()
int nextSendingBlock = sendingBlock + 1;
int foo = 0;
if (nextSendingBlock == blocks)
nextSendingBlock = 0;
if (state[nextSendingBlock] != DRAWN)
state[nextSendingBlock] = DRAWN;
assert(state[nextSendingBlock] == DRAWN);
return blockRect[nextSendingBlock];
With this and with a breakpoint in "foo++" the execution with the debugger continues, but only if I break for a least three cycles. If I remove the breakpoint it crashes.
I am available for any clarification/detail you need.
2020-12-14 7:08 AM
Don't be sorry! Thanks for the info :) I'll look at it tomorrow.
2020-12-22 1:05 AM
I think Martin Kjeldsen is out of the office at moment for Christmas vacation.
Can you provide a stack trace when you hit the assert? This is to know if we are coming from the interrupt context.
2021-01-03 11:20 PM
Hi and happy New Year !
@Flemming Gram CHRISTENSEN I have attached the image with the stack and the contents of the state vector.
2021-01-05 7:32 AM
Thanks. We're trying to reproduce is here - This is not the first time we've heard about someone having issues with PFB and RTOS.
2021-01-13 12:27 AM
We found a logic bug that would cause this issue. We have a fix ready for 4.16.1 which should be out end of January.
2024-03-21 8:46 AM
Same problem with version 4.23.2
TouchGFX is configured in partial frame buffer 3x4000 bytes.
TouchGFX Task StackSize is 4096 bytes