2017-01-22 5:24 AM
The demo graphics on the F746G-Discovery and the F469NI Disccovery look good. But so far, implementing graphics is a lot more complicated than I think it should be. I read enough source code in the repository installed on my system by CubeMX to see that either BSP or STemWin look like what should be used.
I have not been able to convince CubeMX to create BSP or STemWin sections, as it seems to do for FreeRTOS, for example. So I tried to build projects directly in the repository. However, when I try to build one of those projects, I get very basic errors like missing files, or compile errors.
1) Has anyone built their own project with graphics above either BSP or STemWin?
2) What development system are you using?
3) What were the critical steps to get to a working 'hello world', and drawing a coloured line from x1y1 to x2y2?
I am using Raisonance, which has been generally easy to use in developing software layered on HAL which does not use graphics.
I am not exactly at square one, since
I have implemented our own diagnostics software using a software layer above HAL to make it easy to port existing applications to the STM32 series - supports digital I/O, 4 RS-232 channels, and analog inputs. The RS-232 channels and the analog inputs are using interrupts, as is a millisecond timer interface. I have this working on the Nucleo-144 F429ZI machine with our own motherboard, which takes Nucleo-144 devices as a plug-in component. But graphics? That is another matter, so far!
Checked Atollic, and it had a 746G downloadable project, downloaded it, and I have 746G graphics up and running!
Thanks, Atollic!