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1, LCD can not fully display 2, My application how to share SDRAM with STemWin


Hello, I created a project from:


project for my target hardware, but I got following issue showing as photo below. From the photo you can see that the screen can not display from x 0, actual it start from 30th pixel of x.


I have checked the configuration for LCD_LL_LayerInit() but it looks all good, please check attached LCDConf_stm32f429i_disco_MB1075.c

this issue confused me a few days but have no idea about why it happens, I created another project with STM32CubeMX at the same time and screen working well with out STemWin and SDRAM, so I guess the hardware should be OK. Can somebody help me? thanks in advance.

ps. the photo of screen working well without STemWin


The second question is about how to share SDRAM with STemWin, it looks like it used all SDRAM by itself and I hope can share at least 1M bytes for another applications in the project. also can not found how many SDRAM has been used by STemWin.


It seems that the position of layer is incorrect, for example if I draw a rectangle with the screen size, it as showing as below.


anyone knows how to correct it?

seems that the display layer was offset by a value (approx 30 pixel).