2022-01-13 3:57 AM
I have a problem with setting up a touchGFX.
I'm trying to configure touchGFX to work with FMC display and external RAM.
But every time code get stucked at configAssert.
Do you know what could be the issie of this problem?
2022-01-13 5:40 AM
Are the display and the external RAM properly setup ? Were you able to write to the display ? Or did it stop working once enabling and setting TouchGFX ?
Could you maybe share your project or just your STM32CubeMX configuration if it isn't confidential ?
2022-01-13 7:40 AM
Before to go further and use TouchGFX, I think at first step you have to check your hardware:
1- Your external RAM: check the timings/setup and do write operations to this memory and check the content.
2- Check the LCD interface by displaying something on your LCD.
2022-01-17 6:22 AM
Thanks for Your answers @Community member @Romain DIELEMAN ,
Few thigns to straighten up my situation:
- My external RAM works, I can read/write (It's IS42S16400J, to be exact),
- LCD works, I'm able to display anything using ILI driver - It's LCD with touch module (ER-TFT032-3.1) connected using FSMC,
- I was 'inspired' by code on repo https://github.com/ndunello/TouchGFX-SPI_Demo for functions like flushFrameBuffer(), signalVSyncTimer() and so on,
- My current goal is to just display simple screen generated by TouchGFX
I just wanted to migrate project to TouchGFX. I'm sure it is possible, since I've got application working on this hardware, made with different graphical designer (EmbeddedWizard).
It's not my first attempt on doing that. What's consistent in my approaches is "Custom" setting for LCD interface in CubeMX and RAM settings same as for previous application.
Problem described in question occurs when I call
in HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback() for TIM11 (which is selected as Timebase Source).
I'm attaching .ioc file as You asked.
2022-01-17 6:25 AM
I just wanted to migrate project to TouchGFX. I'm sure it is possible, since I've got application working on this hardware, made with different graphical designer.
It's not my first attempt on doing that.What's consistent in my approaches is "Custom" setting for LCD interface in CubeMX and RAM settings same as for previous application.
Problem described in question occurs when I call.