2023-06-04 6:19 PM
Dear. All
I'm asking how to use STemWin on stm32h743 mcu.
The direct question is as follows.
How to add STemWin on STM32CubeIDE? (Current Use Version. 1.12.1)
Please let me know if there are any issues such as the suspension of STemWin support.
2023-06-05 3:10 AM
Welcome, @Jeong Dongmyeong, to the community!
STemWin is still included in the firmware packages, also in the package for the STM32H7, but for some time now the focus has been on TouchGFX, which is considerably more powerful.
Does it answer your questions?
2023-06-07 1:16 AM
Thank you for your answer.
However, there is a serious additional problematic.
I hope you get a reply after reviewing it.
1. STM32CubeH7 1.11.0 ver(Last ver) does not have STemWin sample code itself. (STM32H743I-EVAL)
2. STM32CubeH7 1.10.0ver, STemWin project exists.
However, it is not possible to import and build from STM32CubeIDE at all.
How can I run a project with the development board I bought? (STM32H743I-EVAL)
In particular, I want to run the STemWin_SampleDemo project, but there is no way at this time.
2023-06-07 8:11 AM
As already mentioned, the firmware repository is available both on Github and as a direct download. In the newer version (here 1.11.0), as I have just checked again, STemWIN is only included in the direct download version for licensing reasons, and no longer on Github.
So please download the firmware from point 2, which contains the project:
If the problem is solved, please mark this thread as answered by selecting Select as best, as also explained here. This will help other users find that answer faster.
Good luck!