2020-10-06 2:55 AM
I am using the function STM32_AES_CBC_Encrypt from the ST library Crypto 3.1.0. I don't understand why this function doesn't give me an encrypted message which is a multiple of 64 bytes.
For example, I would like to encrypt "thisisatest12345". The function returns a tab which is the same size of the original tab:
Thes encrypted message is "0x1E 0xDD 0x1B 0x2A 0x8B 0xA6 0xDC 0x5E 0xBE 0xD6 0x9D 0x78 0xA4 0xA9 0xCA 0x3B ". Following the website https://www.devglan.com/online-tools/aes-encryption-decryption, the encypted message should be "1EDD1B2A8BA6DC5EBED69D78A4A9CA3B813290DF65F7ABD59239929768C8603F", which is 64 bytes. But, when I transform the encrypted message into Base 64, I have the same result as the previsous website, but there is a missing part:
From website;
From my code:
The beginning is the same, but a part is missing, and I don't know why.
Can you help me, I don't know how to solve this problem.
2024-01-04 2:49 AM
Iam having same issue what emil28 is facing , In simple term issue is i'm encrypting a message "0000000012345678", when i encrypt this message using AES 128 CBC the encrypted message should be 32 bytes long like this "5BE9894C93D9B6D72A7C83512076166AC615BCDCED48486723B6D845788DB15E" but function "STM32_AES_CBC_Encrypt" is returning only 16 bytes "5BE9894C93D9B6D72A7C83512076166A" which is only half of 32 bytes, using this 16 bytes we cannot decrypt the message it gives error. am I missing something in setup?
2024-01-04 2:57 AM
Hello @RamaKrishna,
As stated earlier, AES is based on 16 bytes blocks. So, you should never get 32 bytes when encrypting less than 16 bytes.
Best regards
2024-01-04 3:20 AM
Ok thanks got it, it looks like online tools using some padding mechanisms (pkcs7 and pkcs5 ) and so even if we are giving 16 bytes we are getting 32 bytes output.