2023-02-10 6:35 AM
I want to compute APP's hash (SHA256) from my Bootloader using DMA.
I have 3 non adjacent zone to process the HASH.
If I use one node and call HAL_HASHEx_SHA256_Start_DMA inside HAL_HASH_InCpltCallback, I can compute my HASH.
I hope I can use link list in order to let DMA process all zone and use CPU to process only the last one (to clear MDMAT bit). However, this fail. I never goes in GPDMA IRQ.
What I want is to configure DMA in link-list mode to send all block except last one to HASH without interrupt CPU. The last block will be send when GPDMA run last LLI IRQ (DMA_TCEM_LAST_LL_ITEM_TRANSFER) .
How can I do that?
Thanks for your help.
Have a good day.
2023-02-15 9:05 AM
Thank you for your post. Your request is being handled internally with ST Online Support. We will respond to you as soon as possible.
Ted T