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STM32F446 Calculating Flash CRC in Safety App

Associate II

Hi everyone,

I'm developing a safety project and using the STM32F446. To ensure the safety standard, before starting the main code, I need to compare the current flash CRC with the CRC which calculated with SREC. The same structure is being used in another project that has an F3 MCU and it can pass this checking correctly but the F446 can't pass. I see it correctly calculating when it runs step by step so the algorithm is correct and was double-checked. However, something goes wrong when the CRC of all flash is being calculated. What is the problem? 

By the way, I'm using the default CRC settings for F3, not changing any parameter.

Also, I'm developing the project according on XCube Class B.

Associate II

Thank you @Bob S​ , I will test the calculation and generating again.