2024-05-10 05:59 AM
I've implemented on my own board (MCU STM32WLE5CCU6) bootloader SBSFU from example 'STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.3.0\NUCLEO-WL55JC\BFU_1_Slot'. Everything works ok.In my own aplication i must change download channel from usart to by radio FSK. Because of handling radio i must change linker scripts in bootloader apping_fwimg.ld, mapping_sbsfu.ld). I must resize section SBSFU Code Region to bigger. I've changed 'SB_region_ROM_end' from value 0x0800CFFF to 0x08013FFF. Also i must changed following regions: KMS_DataStorage_start = 0x08014000;KMS_DataStorage_end = 0x08015FFF;SLOT_Blob_Dwl_1_start = 0x08016000; SLOT_Blob_Dwl_1_end = 0x080167FF;SLOT_Active_1_start = 0x08016800; SLOT_Active_1_end = 0x0803FFFF. After compiled and runned code i have always the same problem. When the Secure Engine Call (inside SE_Init() function) is called in this line:
e_ret_status = (*SE_CallGatePtr)(SE_INIT_ID, peSE_Status, primask_bit, uSystemCoreClock); (which is between a SE_EnterSecureMode and SE_ExitSecureMode).
The MCU resets at this point, the reset happens continuously (reset loop) always at this line.
In bootloader i disabled all security Ips by SECBOT_DISABLE_SECURITY_IPS. To increase SBSFU code, i changed linker scripts. Beside this i must something yet change?
I suspect this error that i crossed area 64kB (0x10000) for SE code + SBSFU (end KMS_DataStorage_end = 0x08015FFF).
Can i change SBSFU Code region above 0x08010000 ?
2024-05-13 02:23 PM
Hello @przemyslaw jakobczak ,
there is not such 64kb constraint as far as I know.
Instead of guessing what could be wrong, I would suggest adding SECoreBin symbols in your debug configuration and enter in SE (using assembly stepping until you find C code again).
You should rapidly find the reason why it resets
Best regards
2024-05-15 02:27 AM
I've added SECoreBin symbols in my debug configuration. When I debug function 'SE_CallGate' from SE, debbuger displays error "no source available for SE_CallGate() ...". I think that everything is ok in debug configuration. I must yet set something else? Debug/Source? Screens below: