2019-12-04 10:52 PM
I'm developing a project which is already quite advanced, and without any change that I have awareness, the microprocessor is protected.
1) What could have produced this change unexpectedly? untill now, I've worked a lot with STM32F103 microprocessors and never it had never happened.
2) How I can disable it?
I've tried change it with ST-LINK Utility > Target > Option Bytes, but always appear "Could not set Option bytes! Please reset the target and retry".
I've tried to reset the target, but it don't do any change.
I don't understand why ST software cannot change the ST Microcontrollers if the software seems that has this tool to disable the Level 1 Read Out Protection.
Thanks in advance
2019-12-05 12:29 AM
I've just installed the STM32CubeProgrammer and try to disable the Read Out Protection, and I cann't do it because the RDP register value is 0xFF instead of 0xAA or 0xBB.
1) How RDP is 0xFF? I consciently don't change it...
2) How I can change this value?
2019-12-07 5:30 AM
2019-12-08 10:19 PM
Hi Piranha,
I've just tried all steps and the result it is the same :(
Any idea more?
2019-12-09 12:48 AM
I've connected the boot to 3V3, and the USART1 TTL to my PC with an FTDI TTL cable, and the result it is the same: "Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial port configuration. Reset your device then try again..."
2019-12-09 12:50 AM
Also we have the BOOT_ADD0 and BOOT_ADD1 corrupted, because it is 0xFFFF and we cannot change to 0x40 or others. Why it is corrupted?
I don't understand anything...
2019-12-09 3:25 PM
Do you have correct capacitors connected to VCAP pins? All Vdd/Vdda/Vss/Vssa pins supplied and decoupled? Any possibility of high voltage coming to any GPIO or supply?
If this is issue across more than one chip, use Online Support and provide schematics and other application details, else replace the chip.