2020-06-25 1:56 PM
I am currently trying to understand exactly how CRC_Handle_16 function works within the stm32f0xx_hal_crc.c file so I can implement the algorithm in a non-hardware way. The non-hardware implementation I have works fine if there is an even number of BufferLength. The problem I'm having is when I try to insert an odd number of elements. Basically, what I want to know is what exactly is happening on lines 23-24 and how would I implement this in a non-hardware way?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
* @brief Enter 16-bit input data to the CRC calculator.
* Specific data handling to optimize processing time.
* @param hcrc CRC handle
* @param pBuffer pointer to the input data buffer
* @param BufferLength input data buffer length
* @retval uint32_t CRC (returned value LSBs for CRC shorter than 32 bits)
static uint32_t CRC_Handle_16(CRC_HandleTypeDef *hcrc, uint16_t pBuffer[], uint32_t BufferLength)
uint32_t i; /* input data buffer index */
__IO uint16_t *pReg;
/* Processing time optimization: 2 HalfWords are entered in a row with a single word write,
* in case of odd length, last HalfWord must be carefully fed to the CRC calculator to ensure
* a correct type handling by the peripheral */
for (i = 0U; i < (BufferLength / 2U); i++)
hcrc->Instance->DR = ((uint32_t)pBuffer[2U * i] << 16U) | (uint32_t)pBuffer[(2U * i) + 1U];
if ((BufferLength % 2U) != 0U)
pReg = (__IO uint16_t *)(__IO void *)(&hcrc->Instance->DR); /* Derogation MisraC2012 R.11.5 */
*pReg = pBuffer[2U * i];
/* Return the CRC computed value */
return hcrc->Instance->DR;
2020-06-25 2:20 PM
Type punning, to allow 16-bit write to the data register (which is otherwise defined as a pointer to 32-bit word, i.e. "plain" writes to it (assignments) result in 32-bit writes).
See disasm.
2020-06-25 2:32 PM
>>..so I can implement the algorithm in a non-hardware way
Not sure I understand, surely doing a 16-bit sw implementation would be trivial for both odd and even counts.
The method here feeds 32-bit value pairs into the hardware until it is left with one 16-bit word to feed, and then it does an explicit 16-bit wide write to the register.