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ECC Signature Failure

Associate III

Reference: STM32CubeExpansion_Crypto_V4..1.0, MCU: STM32G474RE

The cmox_ecdsa_verify(...) function is failing with a fault code of 0x6c706, which is not contained within cmox_ecc_retvals.h header file. All arguments to the cmox_ecdsa_verify(...) function have been verified and the generated signature has been verified on the development platform. Perhaps the fault code definition in the source code (not available) will provide some insight into the problem? Are there any additional steps I can take to debug this issue?

Associate II

Oh that's interesting. The reason I am using them is to store different public key versions to support key rolling in the future if we need it (without needing secure OTA firmware upgrade). I will look into some of these offset_of() and size_of() methods produce at runtime and see if that has some clues.