2023-07-13 9:08 AM
Is it possible to custom the header of a firmware for SBSFU ? I want to add 2 variables but it's not working. I have authentification failure. But I don't change the size and position in the structure because I used the "reserved" bytes. (the size was 28 ,now 24 of "reserved" field)
The error is : "Fw header authentication error"
I have modified :
typedef struct
uint8_t SFUMagic[4U]; /*!< SFU Magic 'SFU1' / 'SFU2' / 'SFU3'*/
uint16_t ProtocolVersion; /*!< SFU Protocol version*/
uint16_t FwVersion; /*!< Firmware version*/
uint32_t FwSize; /*!< Firmware size (bytes)*/
uint32_t PartialFwOffset; /*!< Offset (bytes) of partial firmware vs full firmware */
uint32_t PartialFwSize; /*!< Size of partial firmware */
uint8_t FwTag[SE_TAG_LEN]; /*!< Firmware Tag*/
uint8_t PartialFwTag[SE_TAG_LEN];/*!< Partial firmware Tag */
uint8_t InitVector[SE_IV_LEN]; /*!< IV used to encrypt firmware */
uint16_t MinHwVersion; /*!< Minimum Hardware Version */
uint16_t MaxHwVersion; /*!< Maximum Hardware Version */
uint8_t Reserved[24U]; /*!< Reserved for future use: 24 extra bytes to have a header size of 192 bytes */
uint8_t HeaderSignature[SE_HEADER_SIGN_LEN]; /*!< Signature of the full header message */
uint8_t FwImageState[3U][32U]; /*!< Firmware image state - see SE_FwStateTypeDef for details */
uint8_t PrevHeaderFingerprint[SE_FW_HEADER_FINGERPRINT_LEN]; /*!< Fingerprint of previous FW header (if this is an update, else 32*0x00) */
} SE_FwRawHeaderTypeDef
2. prepareimage.py to add the min and max value in binary :
header = pack('<'+str(len(magic))+'sHHIII'+str(len(tag))+'s'+str(len(pfwtag))+'s'+str(len(nonce))+'sHH'+str(args.reserved)+'s',
magic, protocol, version, size, pfwoffset, pfwsize, tag, pfwtag, nonce,min_hw_version, max_hw_version, reserved)