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X-NUCLEO-S2868A2 S2LP SIGFOX problem with use of the flash instead of the eeprom for saving the ID and PAC credentials

Associate II

Hi everyone,

I'm doing tests with sigfox using the deboboad X-NUCLEO-S2868A2, and with the example everything works.

However in the final product I will not have an EEprom where to store the sigfox credentials (id and Pac) and therefore I would like to use the flash NVM to do this.

I tried to write in flash the NVM_BoardDataType structure with the fields filled in as follows:

NVM_BoardDataType boardData; = 0x12AA4812;

boardData.rcz = 1;

boardData.pac [0] = 0x00;

boardData.pac [1] = 0x12;

boardData.pac [2] = 0x0F;

boardData.pac [3] = 0x03;

boardData.pac [4] = 0xc9;

boardData.pac [5] = 0x22;

boardData.pac [6] = 0xc6;

boardData.pac [7] = 0xe9;

boardData.freqOffset = 0x02FAF2AA;

boardData.rssiOffset = 0;

boardData.lbtOffset = 0;

uint8_t * P_Data = (uint8_t *) & boardData;

NVM_Write ((uint32_t) 0x0800FF00, sizeof (NVM_BoardDataType), P_Data, NVM_WRITE_MODE_ERASE);

NVM_ConfigType config;

config.nvmType = NVM_TYPE_FLASH;

config.boardDataAddress = 0x0800FF00;

config.sfxDataAddress = 0x0800FF80;

config.messageSequenceNumber = 0;

P_Data = (uint8_t *) & config;

NVM_Write ((uint32_t) 0x0800FF80, sizeof (NVM_ConfigType), P_Data, NVM_WRITE_MODE_ERASE);

The data is saved in flash at the specified address, so I call the ST_Sigfox_Init (...)

In ST_Sigfox_Init (...) there are :


nvmConfig.nvmType = NVM_TYPE_FLASH;

 nvmConfig.sfxDataAddress = (uint32_t) FLASH_USER_START_ADDR;

 nvmConfig.boardDataAddress = (uint32_t) FLASH_BOARD_START_ADDR;

 SetNVMInitial (& nvmConfig);

 if (enc_utils_retrieve_data_from_flash (sfxConfig, UID_ADDRESS, UID_LEN)! = 0)


This last call always returns with ST_SFX_ERR_CREDENTIALS ...

What am I doing wrong ?

Should I write the data to flash in another way? Which ?

Do they need to be encrypted?

Thanks a lot to anyone who can help me!

Nikhil D&K


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