2020-02-10 1:01 AM
hi, why WWDG_IRQHandler is not waking up, it configured even though not waking up.
please guide me and show me asample program for WWDG.
2020-02-10 2:05 AM
Is WWDG clock running in the state you want to wake up from?
Read out and check the related registers in WWDG and NVIC.
2020-02-10 2:25 AM
hi, thanks for your reply,
WWDG is enabled, it counts , i do refresh it using timer7, with command "HAL_WWDG_Refresh(&hwwdg);"; using this command it function fine;
if i use the same command("HAL_WWDG_Refresh(&hwwdg);") in "void WWDG_IRQHandler(void)" function, the WWDG counter is not refreshed, and void WWDG_IRQHandler(void) function is not at all waked up at any time then it gets resets the micro controller.
2020-02-10 2:34 AM
Is WWDG_IRQHandler() inserted properly into the vector table? (Check in disasm).
Is it enabled? (check in NVIC registers).
Btw. refreshing WWDG in its interrupt defeats it purpose.
2020-02-10 3:54 AM
hi, i am new to STM32CubeIDE and CubeMX, i used Cube MX for generating code configuration, if possible could please you come in team viewer.
2020-02-10 4:15 AM
I don't provide consulting.
I don't use Cube/CubeMX.
2020-02-10 4:20 AM
are you a member? or an employee of STM?
2020-02-10 4:22 AM
No I'm not ST employee.
Note, that this is primarily a user-driven forum with only casual ST presence.
2020-02-10 4:34 AM
ok thanks JW,
thanks for your reply.
one more question,
i am using STM32CubeIDE, STM32CubeMX;
while receiving data in UART2, the data is stored in a defined array with fixed memory location(ex: myData[10]), in any case if 11 number of data is received , then the array is circulated to store the data, i need to stop circulating the data, could please guide me how to stop circulating the data ?