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Why DSI clock can't set to more than 500M in STM32H747?

When I try to set DSI clock more than 500M, the STM32cubemx will display an error message "dsi clock source frequency must be =< 62MHz" as below. But it said STM32H747 DSI clcok can reach 1Ghz in datasheet.

I use 25Mhz HSE and attach STM32cubemx project for reference.




Because it's the data across multiple lanes that can get to 1 Gbps

2-Lanes, clocking at 500 MHz each, the DSI clock on the wire is 250 MHz, with data lanes clocking on BOTH edges

The 62 MHz is the pixel clock, for a 16 or 24-bit load, the LTDC delivers words to the DSI, the DSI moves it a bit/lane over the wire.

16 x 62 = 992 bps

I suspect 16 x 62.5 = 1000 bps is the functional limit, or close too it.

The 24-bit colour depth the maximum pixel clock is closer to 41.67 MHz

If you don't like the limits the auto-gen tools apply, stop using them, and use your interpretation of the reference manual and the peripheral mechanics.


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This is the input clock to the DSI, not the speed of the output which is much higher.

@Tesla DeLorean explains it nicely here:

STM32H7 MIPI DSI maximum clock speed? - STMicroelectronics Community

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Hi Tesla:

Thank you for your reply.

>Because it's the data across multiple lanes that can get to 1 Gbps

-->but as showing datasheet DS12930(, per lane speed can reach 1 Gbps, not multiple lanes.


>I suspect 16 x 62.5 = 1000 bps is the functional limit, or close too it.

-->I think it would be better if it was officially confirmed, so let's wait for ST's answer.

>If you don't like the limits the auto-gen tools apply, stop using them, and use your interpretation of the reference manual and the peripheral mechanics.

-->The cubemx can save many time when starting a new project, I am just confused with this limitation.




It says 1 Ghz max here, so I think it still has something wrong here.


And in thread you mention, the VCO 2000 is red, but now it is't
