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Which MCU support Capacitive Touch Button and Touch Slider


Hello support,I want to develop one product based on touch button and touch slider.

so which STM MCU supports those features.

and what are the softwares avaialble to develop firmware for touch

and also i need hardware design guide for the same.


ST Employee

Hello @MThak.1​ and welcome to the Community :)

You can use the "MCU Finder" tool (mobile version, PC version), or the feature embedded in STM32CubeMX, to select the suitable MCU depending on your needs.

Then, you can refer to your product datasheet and User manual for hardware to have more details about features, characteristics and design of your device.

I recommended you to start from the TouchSensing application under the STM32Cube MCU package relevant to your selected product.

You may find clarification and more details on how to use the TSL referring to the UM1913: "Developing applications on STM32Cube with touch sensing".

Several TSC related resources are available on the ST web site. Ex: AN3236, AN3960,AN4310, AN4313, AN4312, STM32L4-TSC guide...

Hope my answer helped you!

If you still have questions, don't hesitate to come back to the Community.

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hi @Imen DAHMEN​ ,

thanks for your reply.

i would like to ask you that how i can use STMPE16M31

for my touch application .

i need help for hardware and software implementation