2017-05-16 8:00 PM
Im in need of such MCU development board,with good computational power.
Kindly,suggest the possible options that will fit my purpose.
#stm32 #nucleo #stm-products2017-05-16 8:38 PM
Due to the complexity related to export control regulations of encryption hardware, only STM32 eval boards have devices with hardware AES encryption (at least for now...)
So no discovery nor nucleo ...
This is a list of EVAL boards with embedded AES hardware STM32 devices:
(available soon)
2017-05-17 12:13 AM
application for iOS, Android and PC allows to select the STM32 MCU featuring crypto features (such as AES, DES/TDES, SHA, MD5, HMAC, TRNG) and then access to the available boards.2017-07-11 4:59 AM
Mikroe had a number of their boards using the STM32F415
2017-07-11 6:57 AM
The irony is that having Mouser US ship DISCO IoT (B-L475E-IOT01A), or NUCLEO WiFi (IDW04A1) boards in-country takes more paperwork than buying crypto chips on eBay from China...