2024-03-14 3:34 AM
In the example projects for LPBAM from ST, it is necessary to switch the RAM address to the SRAM region.
This is because LPDMA has in Stop2-Mode only access to SRAM4.
If I also want to use the RAM, which part of LPBAM (or maybe other parts) must be in SRAM4?
It is described here, for example:
Thank you,
2024-03-24 12:34 AM
Dear @JoachimO ,
Here are a link for LPBAM features and which RAMs can be used by Peripheral and system:
Let us know if we need something to improve in the available ressources .
2024-03-26 2:45 AM
In this document there is the following statement:
To do so, In the STM32CubeIDE, in Project Explorer > Debug, go to the STM32U575ZITXQ_FLASH.ld and configure the RAM ORIGIN = 0x28000000 and the LENGTH = 16 Kbytes
The consequence of this is that I only have 16 kbytes of RAM available for this project.
Is that right?
Is there another way to use the remaining RAM?