2019-12-17 11:23 PM
2019-12-18 2:53 AM
Should be patchable, state pin usage and clock specifics.
2019-12-18 11:44 PM
Hello and thanks for your fast anwering. But sorry I do not understand what do you mean with patchable. Is there a program to change the flash.flm file?
2019-12-19 12:30 AM
Modify the AXF/ELF file to use a different combination of pins. Wrote a program to do it for some of the ST loaders, being a guy who writes software.
Step One, is to understand the pins you're using and the clock sources the chip is run from.
2019-12-19 3:01 PM
0x000007ec: f8df8204 .... LDR r8,[pc,#516] ; [0x9f4] = 0x40020400 GPIOB
0x000007f0: f88d0005 .... STRB r0,[sp,#5]
0x000007f4: 2209 ." MOVS r2,#9 ; AF9
0x000007f6: 2102 .! MOVS r1,#2 ; PB2
0x000007f8: 4640 @F MOV r0,r8
0x000007fa: f000f9ea .... BL GPIO_PinAFConfig ; 0xbd2
0x000007fe: 2004 . MOVS r0,#4 ; (1 << 2) PB2
0x00000800: 9000 .. STR r0,[sp,#0]
0x00000802: 4669 iF MOV r1,sp
0x00000804: 4640 @F MOV r0,r8
0x00000806: f000f95b ..[. BL GPIO_Init ; 0xac0
0x0000080a: 4f7b {O LDR r7,[pc,#492] ; [0x9f8] = 0x40021400 GPIOF
0x0000080c: 220a ." MOVS r2,#0xa ; AF10
0x0000080e: 2108 .! MOVS r1,#8 ; PF8
0x00000810: 4638 8F MOV r0,r7
0x00000812: f000f9de .... BL GPIO_PinAFConfig ; 0xbd2
0x00000816: 15bd .. ASRS r5,r7,#22
0x00000818: 4669 iF MOV r1,sp
0x0000081a: 4638 8F MOV r0,r7
0x0000081c: 9500 .. STR r5,[sp,#0]
0x0000081e: f000f94f ..O. BL GPIO_Init ; 0xac0
2019-12-20 2:59 AM
Hello, thanks again. I will try to go throug the .axf file and try to find the relevant entries.
2019-12-20 3:58 AM
Or you could just enumerate the pins you are using so I don't have to guess what they are.
2020-01-05 11:35 PM
Hello and a happy new year!
The pin enumeration: