2021-08-06 8:36 PM
I am using STM32L073RZT.
If RTOS is not used, the current consumption will drop to 1μA in STOP mode.
When using RTOS with STM32CubeMX, it only drops to about 40 μA.
How can we achieve a few μA?
2021-08-08 2:14 AM
Please tell us more: What RTOS?What configuration? Eg. FreeRTOS v?.? using tickless idle mode? Here is a hands-on lab video for that.
2021-08-08 5:08 PM
I am using STM32CulbMX to incorporate FreeRtos' CMSIS_V1.
I found an STM sample program (en.stm32cubel0_v1-12-0).
I referred to the FreeRtos sample in it, but the result was not good. (2mA).
I think. The sample has not been installed accurately.
Thank you
2021-08-08 5:20 PM
I set tickless idle mode 1, same sample program.
2021-08-08 6:40 PM
2021-08-10 12:51 AM
2021-08-10 6:40 AM
Sorry, the links were missing: https://youtu.be/XUEWviFQ9MQ https://youtu.be/nSLN_WM2TOc
What board are you using? Can you separate MCU current measurments from board/overall crrent consumption?
2021-08-10 3:40 PM