2020-08-11 10:09 PM
Hello, I am using LO31K6 for sensoring two ADC channels by DMA
When I wish to get trustable voltage value, Do I have to apply Root Mean Square to these ADC value?
for example, < Instead directly get ADC value from DMA buffer[n] and treat as it is true > ,
when I got ADC value for 300 times, counting from DMA interrupt,
save these ADCvalues [300] , then sqaure( ^2) each of them, then adding them, and do sqrt (root), and get final voltage result
that result value will be more trust-able ?
2020-08-12 03:59 AM
Trustable value?
Generally it depends on how you set up the ADC parameters, how you route the signal to the ADC, etc.
Did you read the appnote AN4629: ADC hardware oversampling for STM32L0 and L4?
What about AN2834: How to get the best ADC accuracy in STM32 microcontrollers?
Good luck!
2020-08-12 06:13 AM
> that result value will be more trust-able ?
No, don't do averaging by RMS. Just take the average.