2019-01-24 6:41 AM
I want to use ADC1 and 2 with close to maximum sampling frequency. Now I found on page 899 in RM0433 Rev5 a note that there will be a resynchronization between adc clk (using adc_ker_ck to achieve the highest possible clock) and AHB1 clk. I don't understand that precisely and want to ask for some clarification.
Assumed I want:
5 MSps which is 200 nsec per sample, provided by a timer
36 MHz adc_ker_ck which can be created eg by PLL2 => period is about 28 nsec
Does that mean, a sampling trigger coming from timer must wait till the next adc_ker_ck say rising edge arrives? That would be a jitter of up to 14%. If so, is there a way to create a 5MHz (or something in that range) timer signal that is sychronous with adc_ker_ck?
Is there a way to precisely create a desired sampling rate when using ADC in continuous conversion mode?
Thanks for any help
kind regards
2019-01-24 9:33 AM
I'd assume, in continuous conversion there's no waiting for trigger thus no jitter...?
2019-01-25 7:49 AM
Hello Jan,
maybe you are right. I am just trying to check it but ran into other trouble, see my latest post. I'll come back here when I have news.
Thanks a lot
2019-01-31 1:51 AM
I promised to come back with results.
I managed to get ADC1 and 2 running with 12 bit resolution at 4.5 MSps. I generate adc_ker_ck with PLL2 and run ADC in continuous mode.
It is pretty hard to check sample clock jitter because I have no direct clock output. So I fed ADC with a ramp signal and compared one ramp segment with a straight line. The difference is in the range of DC noise. So for the first hit it looks good.
2019-01-31 3:39 AM
Thanks, Martin, for the info.
2019-02-03 3:56 AM
Looking at RM0433 24.3.3 offered options: