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What is the preferred STM microcontroller to store 8 bit (Parallel data) of 50MHz?


I have an 8 bit(Parallel data) ADC output of frequency 50MHz. At this frequency, I tried to store 1400 bytes of data on STM32F446RE but failed. According to its specification sheet, GPIO ports can support till 180MHz. Could you tell what is the reason behind to fail ? And suggest me the preferred microcontroller to store the data at the above mentioned frequency?

Lead III

You want 50Msps throughput with GPIO bit/byte banging ?

Pretty sure that is not going to work.

With the instructions required to read the data from the peripheral register and move them to memory, you never get that rate.

Either attach the ADC to the FMC, or to a special glue hardware that can cache the ADC results.

Probably want to be synchronous at that kind of speed. With you clocking the ADC via MCO/PA8

If you ran at 150 MHz, the DMA might work. but 3 cycles seems a tad tight.

You'd probably want to look at a) DCMI interface, or b) a FIFO memory (AL422 type device) against the F(S)MC bus

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