2020-08-23 4:57 AM
I am using STM32F407V MCU in our project which has 1MB Flash and 192 KB RAM.
I have read about it in the community that it is possible with an external RAM (min 8MB) but I am still not sure about it.
Apart from that I would also like to know how to program the MCU once we have flashed the image on MCU side.
How to transfer executable file to MCU if I can create one using Cross compiler on linux host?
2020-08-23 6:18 AM
Seems like an exercise in futility..
I suspect you'd need to put the file on a mountable file system, like an SD Card.
Use tftp on an embedded linux target to bring a file across from the build system.
It was also possible to build the linux images with the compilers and build tools by selecting the appropriate options, but it does make for a large build.
Compiling on the target is also likely to very significantly slower.
2020-08-23 8:16 AM
Hi clive1,
Thank you so much for your quick reply and I really apologise if I am not clear about my question.
I just found a link on github to create image after I posted my query here. Here's the link for it:
I have a STM32F429i-disc board and I just used one of the source from Github to build the image and flash it on the board.
I am able to see the image boot process on USART3 but now I am stuck on how to further proceed on the board. The image has hardly any packages installed like a text editor or any file transfer tool and the board has no network access so I guess I can't use SSH or any other TCP/IP based tool to transfer executable file to board in case if I use a cross-compiler on my Linux host.
I might sound a little naive here but can you please help me out here?
2020-08-23 8:38 AM
ucLinux has long been integrated into the mainline Linux kernel. The disco board is supported by https://buildroot.net for example. See also https://elinux.org/STM32. But not all peripherals are supported with drivers. I once built it for a STM32F746 DISCO board. Its nice to see the login prompt, but what else can you do? Not much.