2021-03-08 8:17 PM
I have an application running on HSE as system clock..and I set the multiplexer to select HSE, totally not using PLL
btw, should I put any configuration to my PLL?
such as PLLON =0, and while(PLLRDY==1) , to “properly configure�? the unused PLL?
Or should I just leave it as what it is by default?
best regards,
2021-03-08 11:54 PM
By default it is off, so just leave it as it is.
2021-03-09 1:54 AM
You would need for it to be off to reconfigure it. And the processor needs to be clocked from a source that is running.
2021-03-09 2:05 AM
Hi Tesla,
Thanks for the reply.
It is agreeable to turn PLL off properly, by putting "PLLON =0; while(PLLRDY==1) ", If one wishes to "RE-CONFIGURE" the PLL setting.
But if I don't intend to use PLL at all right from the startup, is "PLLON =0; while(PLLRDY==1)" omittable?
Best Regards,