2021-10-26 11:50 PM
I want to do averaging, and finding peak value of about 1k ADC readings. I wonder if I can use FMAC to do it to offload MCU .
2021-10-27 1:19 PM
Which STM32?
FIR with coefficients all 1/N is a sliding average. You can make simple average from sliding average by simply throwing away N-1 results and using only Nth; and then average M such results to get average of MxN, but given the rather limited output range of the FMAC, at 1k samples the resolution loss would be probably unacceptable.
I don't see any way to find maximum/minimum ("peak") using FIR or IIR.
2021-10-27 6:34 PM
I am using G4 chip, developing with Nucleo-G431RB board.
It seems CORDIC is also not able to help.