2015-12-04 10:22 AM
In a goal of a personal project, i am trying to profile energy consumption of an ARM MCU board, so i take the ''stm32F407 discovery kit'' as an experiment example.In my power measurement experiment i always get a really weird current curve pattern, for which i have no exact explanation and perhaps a member of this forum could answer.As you can see it on the joined image(http://www.noelshack.com/2015-49-1449253117-figure-1.png
), this pattern have a moutain-like form. between the highest and lowest peak we have almost ''2mA difference''. Some notes about the measurement:Thanks in advance for every answer or indication on my problem.
Nadir, #stm32f4 #stm32 #measure #discovery2015-12-05 2:36 PM
The only common item in all your tests is the analyzer and operator. Edit: The analyzer has a default sampling duration of 30 seconds, which matches the severe transitions in power in the display. Other than that I have no other observations.
Cheers, Hal