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We can add DMA interrupt for the stm32f042x6 ?

Associate II

We have 3 DMA interrupts  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,


 DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler, i need use 3 interrupts beer 2 channels because i use 3 usart with DMA (3 x channels for TX and channels for RX).

1- i can split the channels 4_5_6_7 to two interrupts DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHan & DMA1_Channel6_7_IRQHan ?

2- i can add channel to interrupt  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler ?

thanks for the help


Not sure I understand the question.

A single IRQ Handler can check the DMA registers and determine the source(s) of the interrupt, and service them.

Keep the functionality short and sweet as not to block others.

The chip design is not something you can change/alter, you need to work within the established functionality.

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