2014-07-01 8:06 AM
In AN2606 I read STM32F429xx/439xx can have bootloader V7.x or V9.x. but I don't find information (for exemple in DM00068628 STM32F42xx and STM32F43xx Errata sheet). Does the version depend of the date of manufacturing, or package or something else? V9 create more electrical conflicts than V7 which require additionnal component to be solved because it activate more peripheral when bootloader is running. For everytime ST increase the number of peripherals activated by the bootload may be our schematic will must be updated and that have a significant cost. Does ST can increase once more time the number of peripheral used by the bootloader? If the outputs of each used peripherals are in the high impedance before to receive a valid message for the bootloader, no additional components must be used to avoid electrical conflicts. But I don't find any information about that. Does somebody have more information? Regards2014-07-01 8:20 AM
The chip is only going to be able to use a finite number of interfaces, as others require undefined external circuitry to actually function. It's my observation that the System Loader wants you not to twiddle with specific pins, because it has those in INPUT mode to detect and measure arriving signals, and determine baud rates, etc.
The USB interface is limited to a couple of pins, USART1 and USART3, and perhaps CAN1. I don't see them doing anything particularly crass, but realistically you're not going to be able to build a board for 5-10 years anymore either.2014-07-01 9:23 AM
At this time 2 versions exist V7 and V9 and STM32F439 is not an old product.
Apparently you have no information about how many time between the 2 versions and the affected components. I don't find PCN or errata sheet about this major change but may be I have not used the rights keywords. No idea to find this information? I do a new design to replace the previous designed in 2008. In our market, 10 years perenity is the max. I'm agree that now, costumers accept a more lower perenity but it is not under 7-8 years to appear serious on our market. We are not a smartphone manufacturer and I hope that ST will provide a good perenity. In our design V7 create conflict with the output of USART1 (PA9), USART3(PB10,PC10), CAN2(PB13) V9 create conflict with the output of USART1 (PA9), USART3(PB10,PC10), CAN2(PB13), SPI1(PA6), SPI2(PB14), SPI4(PE13).Nearly 2
times more
!!!! I work for 26 years with microcontrollers (Motorola, Intel,Atmel,...) it is the first time that I found a revision of the ROM which create electrical conflicts. Typically new versions are made to solve problems not
. I hope that it will be the case in the next version.2014-07-01 9:57 AM
This is a user forum, you'll need to push actual questions to ST via classic channels like the reps and FAEs
It's likely OTP and not ROM You might not be in the phone business, but you will need to think like you are, 18-24 month refresh cycles are where the business is, and it's all about volume. Pricing and availability used to be driven by PCs, today it's tablets and phone.